Pig Farming

Pig farming

Common Routine Management Practices in Pigs

 Gestation period for pigs is 3 months 3weeks and 3days which is equal to 3 months.

As a pig farmer it is crucial to understand routine management practices for your pigs in order to maximize on pig production

The following are the major routine practices practiced in pig farming:

Day 1:

Get litter weight piglets from the same mother

Disinfect umbilical cord with iodine

Day 3:

Iron injection 2ml at the neck region, make sure to consult with your veterinarian or animal health provider

Tooth clipping; cut the tip of the teeth to minimize injury to the mother

Docking; cutting the tail short 2.5cm from the rare tail of the piglet

Day 10

Repeat of iron injection 2 ml as in day 30

Day 21

Do ear notching for identification of piglets

Day 30

Castration is done to control inbreeding, aggressiveness in males, to remove testosterone (taint smell) which lowers value of meat

Day 56

Weaning is done and feeds should be introduced gradually


Judy Vanessa

Judy Vanessa is an accomplished explorer,a passionate animal health extension practitioner and author. She loves writing about farming articles in various sectors.


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