Pig Farming


Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency in pigs is common because of the following reasons:

  • Most of them dont access soil
  • They grow rapidly
  • Their milk is poor in iron

Clinical signs that appears when you suspect Iron deficiency

  1. Lower feed intake
  2. Impaired growth rate
  3. Skin and mucosae appears pale sometimes appear yellow in white pigs
  4. Mild diarrhoea
  5. Sudden death may occur

Treatment and Control

  • Routine administration of iron dextran injection to pigs
  • Provide ferrous sulphate in feeds
  • Placing soil in pens

Also check common routine practices in pigs

Judy Vanessa

Judy Vanessa is an accomplished explorer,a passionate animal health extension practitioner and author. She loves writing about farming articles in various sectors.

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