Do you love Rabbits?If yes here are the most important reasons for keeping rabbits.
1. Capital requirement is minimal. With some scrap wood or bamboo, a hutch can be constructed.
2. Spacing is minimal. It can be set up at backyard.
3. A rabbit is a convenient ‘one meal size’, thus avoiding the need for storage.
4. Rabbit keeping is not restricted by any taboos or particular beliefs that prevent the eating of rabbit meat or its promotion as food.
5. Feeding rabbits is very cheap. Even though supplementation with concentrate or grain is sometimes necessary and definitely will increase growth rate, roadside grass, kitchen offal, garden leaves, etc. (feed of no direct value to humans) can provide the main feed at almost no cost.
6. Rabbits can be tended by women or children unlike bigger animals for it needs no force to be restrained.
7. Because they produce offspring regularly (gestation period of 28 – 32 days), they form a regular source of income instead of a large amount at once.
8. It matures for table between 5 -6 months, breeding (5 – 7 months)
9. Rabbit is a prolific animal.
10. Meat from rabbit is all white meat that is high in protein and low in fat, sodium and cholesterol as compared to other common meats, such as beef, lamb, pork and poultry. Rabbit meat has been recommended for years by some physicians to their patients with coronary heart conditions.
11. It is not a smelly or noisy animal and can easily be kept near school buildings or people’s houses.
12. It produces rich manure for gardening or flower beds.
Having known the importance of having rabbits on the next topic will focus on the most of the common rabbit breeds