Vet Animal Health Care


Colibacillosis is another term for scours in pigs.

It is a general intestinal disorder of new-born pigs.

Prevalent during the suckling period.

E. coli seem to be primarily responsible cause, but other bacteria/viruses can cause this disorder.


 May affect the entire litter and pigs that survive from this often become pot-bellied and unthrifty!

Conditions That Can Make Pigs More Susceptible


Prevention is better than cure

A.  Good sanitation programs to reduce the number of E. coli such as:

B.  Good nutritional and health programs for the breeding herd, which can lead to the production of vigorous pigs & good milk production.

C.  Good management of baby pigs such as:

D.  If the incidence is high, vaccinate sows and gilts during the late stage of gestation.

Also check our article on pig farming

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