- It is done when calves are 2-3months of age.
- Use disbudding iron or caustic potash stick
Removal of extra teats
- If the calve has more than 4 teats. This should be done 2-3 weeks of age.
- The extra teat is cut with a scalpel blade
- Done in 2-4weeks of age (for dairy) and 6-9months (for dual purpose).
- We use elastrator, burdizzo or open method.
Calf identification
- All calves should be marked after birth especially when they are many. This is necessary for record keeping.
- Ear tagging, ear tattooing and branding can be used.
- It involves use of medicine to kill internal worms.
Dipping and spraying
- Control of external parasites e.g. ticks using acaricides.
- This involves application of protective medicine to control diseases.
NB: Calves are the future generation of cattle hence proper management should be practice during rearing. Since calves are prone to diseases, hygiene should be observed.
Also check our other article on Choosing a dairy cow