What it means
Poultry vices means bad habits that birds suffers from and this may incur huge losses to poultry farmers.
This is whereby birds kept are more than recommended space for a certain breeds of chicken
Ensure you adhere to the recommended spacing for the different breeds of birds.For example: for broilers recommended spacing is 1 square feet per bird, layers 2 square feet per bird.
2.Inadequacy of both feeding space as well as number of feeders
This causes scrambling and hens will fight by pecking on one another.
It is advisable to ensure you ideally space out feeders and drinkers as well as providing enough feeding and drinking equipment depending on the flock size.
3. Nutritional imbalances
Protein and sodium deficiency has been linked to cannibalism and is mostly observed in cases of home feeds formulation where salt and protein are not sufficient.
Correct feed formula should be used and followed to the latter to ensure correct vitamins,minerals and salt ratios are provided.
4.Abrupt change of feeds
Changing of feeds abruptly may affect taste,form and digestibility of feeds badly thus affecting birds growth rate as they may seek alternative sources of food .
Gradual introduction of any feed should be performed.Gradual introduction means mixing both old and new feed for at least 1 week on a ratio of 50-50% .
Also read on top reasons why your hens are not laying