Vet Animal Health Care

Record keeping in Fish farming

One of the main disadvantages on the economic operation of aquaculture investment is a lack of deliberately kept economic records of production operations. Investors who operate without records are likely to make wrong decisions due to lack of information of what is happening in their farms.

What is record?

Record is information that has been systematically and carefully collected and appropriately stored for intended use. To be able to run any business successfully, carefully thought out, properly collected and kept records are a must.

Just as in any other enterprise, properly collected and kept records are important in fish farming enterprises.

The records will:

Good records will, for example;

Some important aquaculture records parameters include:

Classification of aquaculture records

Aquaculture records can be classified into:

  1. Specific pond production (Quantity and values) by species
  2. Costs of acquisition of inputs
  3. Cost incurred in new constructions or repairs
  4. Salaries (both in cash and in kind)

Level of record keeping

How much and how comprehensive kept records are, is dependent on:

As the management levels rises, culture systems become more complex and so is the record keeping. This is the reason the farmer must think very carefully of what he needs to record.

Examples of aquaculture records:

It is very important for individual farmers to clearly know what they need recorded and the intended use of this. This will assist them in preparing the most effective way of capturing the needed information.

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