It is important that we understand all about pig farming before venturing into it.Here I will introduce you to the world of pigs. Let’s start with introduction
What is pig Farming?
It is the rearing of pigs for commercial purposes
Swine Industry and the Economy
- Swine industry is responsible for jobs through private and at farm levels
Convert Feeds into products of Higher Value
- Nutritional value of pork today’s pork is lower in fat, calories and cholesterol than ever before
Contains less saturated fat than beef or lamb
Utilization of Waste Products
- Pigs can utilize the table garbage, bakery wastes, unmarketable grains, vegetables and fruits, etc., which are not suitable for humans.
Utilization of Lower-Quality Food Grains and Unsound and Damaged Feeds
- The one-fourth of food grain supply in the world is lost or wasted because of weather, poor harvesting, storage, handling, etc., which can be utilized by pigs.
Pigs are Stabilizing Influence on the Market Value of Grains
- Feed pigs to heavier or lighter weights, thus can adjust the amount of grains in the market.
Utilization of Forages
- Mostly in gestating sows, but growing-finishing pigs can also utilize forages – e.g., the use of pastures, ground legume hays/meals, and others.
Pigs Aid in Maintaining Soil Fertility
- Solid or liquid form can be used to fertilize fields.
Pigs Provide Profit Potentials
- Swine enterprises have been profitable in relation to other livestock enterprises.
The Pig in Biomedical Research/Therapies
- Pigs & humans are very similar in dental characteristics, renal morphology and physiology, eye structure and visual acuity, skin morphology and physiology, cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, digestive anatomy and physiology, etc.
- Pigs have been used for biomedical research – e.g., Research on nutrition, cardiovascular physiology, obesity, stress, dermatology, toxicology, immunology, behavior, renal physiology, experimental surgery, gastroenteritis, diabetes, drug metabolism.